This form is for requesting your clan to be posted to the #clan-recruitment channel of the /r/DestinyTheGame Discord server.

You must identify your Discord account to submit the form.

Please link us your own profile.

This must be your own profile (NOT your clan link).
This field is required Must be a URL.

What is the name of your clan?

e.g. Reddit Discord
This field is required Must be less than 50 characters. Must be at least 3 characters.

What platform(s) will your clan allow applicants from?

Must select at least one platform.

What region(s) will your clan allow applicants from?

Tell us what region(s) your clan wants to recruit from:
Must select at least one region.

Briefly describe your clan.

Please limit your description to 400 characters with proper grammar and spelling.
0 characters
This field is required Must be 400 characters or less. Must be at least 25 characters. Should not contain a Discord invite.

Please provide a link to your clan page.

This field is required Must be a clan link.